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Data Scrapers

This document covers three key concepts regarding the scrapers: Telegram Scraper, Twitter Scraper, and Sentinel Scraper. It aims to show you what is happening behind your Kubeflow pipeline when you run the scrapers. It will explain what they do,their key arguments and functionalities in the current environment.

Telegram Scraper

The Telegram Scraper allows you to extract messages from specific Telegram channels using the Telethon Python package. This section provides a detailed explanation on how Telegram the scraper is set up and operates.

Setup and Configuration

Required Arguments

  1. Kernel-Planckster-specific arguments:

    • job_id: A unique identifier for the job.
    • tracer_id: Used to trace the job.
    • kp_host: Kernel Planckster host address.
    • kp_port: Kernel Planckster port number.
    • kp_auth_token: Authentication token for Kernel Planckster.
    • kp_scheme: Connection scheme (either http or https).
    • log_level: The level of logging information to capture.
  2. Telegram API Configuration:

    • telegram_api_id: Your Telegram API ID.
    • telegram_api_hash: Your Telegram API Hash.
    • telegram_phone_number: The phone number linked to your Telegram account (optional).
    • telegram_password: Password for the Telegram account (optional).
    • telegram_bot_token: Telegram bot token (optional).
    • channel_name: Name of the Telegram channel to scrape.

Telegram Scraper Configuration

To use the Telegram Scraper, a Telegram client is needed. Here's how it is done in Python:

  1. Install the Telethon Package: Make sure the Telethon package is installed. It can be installed via pip:

    pip install telethon

  2. Define the Client Setup Function: Create a function to set up the Telegram client. This will include passing necessary authentication details:

    from telethon import TelegramClient

    def get_scraping_client(job_id, logger, telegram_api_id, telegram_api_hashtelegram_phone_number=None, telegram_password=None, telegram_bot_token=None)-> TelegramClient:
    client = TelegramClient('session_name', telegram_api_id, telegram_api_hash)
    client.start(phone=telegram_phone_number, password=telegram_password)
    return client

Retrieving Messages

Once the client is configured, messages can be retreived from a specified channel using the scrape function.

Function: scrape

  • Purpose: Scrapes messages from a specified Telegram channel.
  • Arguments:
    • job_id: Unique job identifier.
    • channel_name: Telegram channel name to scrape.
    • tracer_id: Job trace identifier.
    • scraped_data_repository: Repository to store the scraped data.
    • telegram_client: Configured TelegramClient instance.
    • openai_api_key: OpenAI API key (if needed for processing).
    • log_level: Logging level.
async def scrape(job_id, channel_name, tracer_id, scraped_data_repository, telegram_client, openai_api_key, log_level) -> JobOutput:
with telegram_client:
messages = await telegram_client.get_messages(channel_name, limit=100)
for message in messages:
# Process each message as needed
return JobOutput(state='FINISHED', data=messages)


  • Augmenting Data: The scraped messages can be enhanced by integrating data from other sources. For instance:

    def augment_telegram(client, message, filter):
    augmented_data = []
    # Example augmentation logic
    if filter in message.text:
    return augmented_data if augmented_data else None

Running the Telegram Scraper Locally

Here is an example demonstrating how to use the Telegram scraper:

Step 1

Set Up Kernel-Planckster

First, clone the Kernel-Planckster repository onto your local machine:

git clone

Install Dependencies

Set up a virtual environment for Kernel-Planckster's dependencies. Run in the root directory of the kernel-planckster folder

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Kernel-Planckster uses poetry for dependency management:

pip install poetry poetry install

Note: If poetry is unable to install psycopg2, use your system package manager to install it.

Running Kernel-Planckster

Run Kernel-Planckster from the command line:

poetry run dev:storage

Access Kernel-Planckster's API and Object Storage
  • API: Accessible at http://localhost:8000/ with an interactive interface at http://localhost:8000/docs for testing and debugging.
  • Object Storage: Accessible via the MinIO server at http://localhost:9001/ (or sometimes http://localhost:9091/). The "SDA" bucket is created when a scraper is run.

Step 2

import logging
from telethon import TelegramClient

# Set up logging
logger = logging.getLogger('telegram_scraper')

# Define arguments
job_id = 123
tracer_id = "abc123"
telegram_api_id = "your_api_id"
telegram_api_hash = "your_api_hash"
telegram_phone_number = "your_phone_number"
telegram_password = "your_password"
channel_name = "your_channel_name"
log_level = logging.INFO

# Set up the Telegram client
client = get_scraping_client(job_id, logger, telegram_api_id, telegram_api_hash, telegram_phone_number, telegram_password)

# Run the scraper
output = scrape(job_id, channel_name, tracer_id, None, client, None, log_level)

# Output the result

Twitter Scraper

The Twitter Scraper is designed to collect tweets based on search queries, allowing you to specify date ranges and filter results. TThis section provides a detailed explanation on how Twitter the scraper is set up and operates.

Setup and Configuration

Required Arguments

  1. Kernel-Planckster-specific arguments:

    • job_id: Unique job identifier.
    • tracer_id: Job trace identifier.
    • kp_host: Kernel Planckster host address.
    • kp_port: Kernel Planckster port number.
    • kp_auth_token: Authentication token for Kernel Planckster.
    • kp_scheme: Connection scheme (http or https).
    • log_level: Logging level.
  2. Twitter API Configuration:

    • query: The search query to use for retrieving tweets.
    • start_date: The start date for the search in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • end_date: The end date for the search in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • scraper_api_key: API key for the scraper service.
    • openai_api_key: API key for OpenAI services (if needed).

Twitter Scraper Configuration

This is how the Telegram Scraper is set up in Python:

  1. Install Required Libraries: Make sure the necessary libraries are installed, such as tweepy:

    pip install tweepy

  2. Define the Setup Function: Create a function to set up the scraper environment:

    import tweepy

    def setup(job_id, logger, kp_auth_token, kp_host, kp_port, kp_scheme):
    # Setup logic goes here
    client = tweepy.Client(bearer_token=kp_auth_token)
    return client

Retrieving Tweets

The scrape function retrieves tweets based on the provided search query and date range.

Function: scrape

  • Purpose: Extracts tweets matching a specific query and date range.
  • Arguments:
    • job_id: Unique job identifier.
    • tracer_id: Job trace identifier.
    • query: The search query for Twitter.
    • start_date: Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • end_date: End date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • scraped_data_repository: Repository to store scraped data.
    • log_level: Logging level.
    • scraper_api_key: API key for the scraper.
    • openai_api_key: API key for OpenAI (if needed).
def scrape(job_id, tracer_id, query, start_date, end_date, scraped_data_repository, log_level, scraper_api_key, openai_api_key):
client = setup(job_id, logger, scraper_api_key, None, None, None)
tweets = client.search_recent_tweets(query=query, start_time=start_date, end_time=end_date, max_results=100)
for tweet in
return JobOutput(state='FINISHED',


  • Augmenting Data: Enhance the retrieved tweets by incorporating additional data or insights:

    def augment_tweet(client, tweet, filter):
    if filter in tweet.text:
    return tweet
    return None

Running the Twitter Scraper Locally

Here's an example to demonstrate how to use the Twitter scraper:

Step 1

Set Up Kernel-Planckster

First, clone the Kernel-Planckster repository onto your local machine:

git clone

Install Dependencies

Set up a virtual environment for Kernel-Planckster's dependencies. Run in the root directory of the kernel-planckster folder

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Kernel-Planckster uses poetry for dependency management:

pip install poetry poetry install

Note: If poetry is unable to install psycopg2, use your system package manager to install it.

Running Kernel-Planckster

Run Kernel-Planckster from the command line:

poetry run dev:storage

Access Kernel-Planckster's API and Object Storage
  • API: Accessible at http://localhost:8000/ with an interactive interface at http://localhost:8000/docs for testing and debugging.
  • Object Storage: Accessible via the MinIO server at http://localhost:9001/ (or sometimes http://localhost:9091/). The "SDA" bucket is created when a scraper is run.

Step 2

import logging

# Set up logging
logger = logging.getLogger('twitter_scraper')

# Define arguments
job_id = 123
tracer_id = "abc123"
query = "forest fire"
start_date = "2023-01-01"
end_date = "2023-01-31"
log_level = logging.INFO
scraper_api_key = "your_scraper_api_key"

# Run the scraper
output = scrape(job_id, tracer_id, query, start_date, end_date, None, log_level, scraper_api_key, None)

# Output the result

Sentinel Scraper

The Sentinel Scraper is used to retrieve satellite images from the Sentinel Hub API. It provides options to specify geographic bounding boxes, date ranges, and resolution settings.

Setup and Configuration

Required Arguments

  1. Kernel-Planckster-specific arguments:

    • job_id: Unique job identifier.
    • tracer_id: Job trace identifier.
    • kp_host: Kernel Planckster host address.
    • kp_port: Kernel Planckster port number.
    • kp_auth_token: Authentication token for Kernel Planckster.
    • kp_scheme: Connection scheme (http or https).
    • log_level: Logging level.
  2. Sentinel Hub Configuration:

    • evalscript: Sentinel Hub Evalscript to use.
    • bbox: Bounding box of the area of interest.
    • resolution: Spatial resolution in meters.
    • cloud_coverage: Maximum allowable cloud coverage percentage.
    • start_date: Start date for image acquisition in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • end_date: End date for image acquisition in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • sh_client_id: Sentinel Hub client ID.
    • sh_client_secret: Sentinel Hub client secret.

Sentinel Hub Client Configuration

This is how Sentinel Scraper is set up:

  1. Install Required Libraries: Ensure that you have the necessary libraries installed, such as sentinelhub or requests.

    pip install sentinelhub

  2. Define the Setup Function: Create a function to set up the Sentinel Hub client:

    from sentinelhub import SHConfig, SentinelHubRequest

    def setup(job_id, logger, sh_client_id, sh_client_secret, evalscript, bbox, resolution, cloud_coverage):
    config = SHConfig()
    config.sh_client_id = sh_client_id
    config.sh_client_secret = sh_client_secret
    return config

Retrieving Satellite Images

The scrape function retrieves satellite images from the Sentinel Hub based on the specified parameters.

Function: scrape

  • Purpose: Fetches satellite images from Sentinel Hub.
  • Arguments:
    • job_id: Unique job identifier.
    • tracer_id: Job trace identifier.
    • evalscript: Sentinel Hub Evalscript.
    • bbox: Bounding box for the area of interest.
    • resolution: Spatial resolution in meters.
    • cloud_coverage: Maximum cloud coverage percentage.
    • start_date: Start date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • end_date: End date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    • scraped_data_repository: Repository to store scraped data.
    • sh_client_id: Sentinel Hub client ID.
    • sh_client_secret: Sentinel Hub client secret.
    • openai_api_key: API key for OpenAI (if needed).
def scrape(job_id, tracer_id, evalscript, bbox, resolution, cloud_coverage, start_date, end_date, scraped_data_repository, sh_client_id, sh_client_secret, openai_api_key):
config = setup(job_id, logger, sh_client_id, sh_client_secret, evalscript, bbox, resolution, cloud_coverage)

request = SentinelHubRequest(
input_data=[SentinelHubRequest.input_data(data_source=DataSource.SENTINEL2_L1C, time_interval=(start_date, end_date))],
responses=[SentinelHubRequest.output_response('default', MimeType.TIFF)],
size=(resolution, resolution),

images = request.get_data()
# Process images as needed
return JobOutput(state='FINISHED', data=images)


  • Augmenting Data: Satellite images can be enhanced by applying image processing techniques:

    def augment_image(image, filter):
    # Apply augmentation logic
    return processed_image

Running the Sentinel Scraper Locally

Here's an example to demonstrate how to use the Sentinel scraper:

Step 1

Set Up Kernel-Planckster

First, clone the Kernel-Planckster repository onto your local machine:

git clone

Install Dependencies

Set up a virtual environment for Kernel-Planckster's dependencies. Run in the root directory of the kernel-planckster folder

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Kernel-Planckster uses poetry for dependency management:

pip install poetry poetry install

Note: If poetry is unable to install psycopg2, use your system package manager to install it.

Running Kernel-Planckster

Run Kernel-Planckster from the command line:

poetry run dev:storage

Access Kernel-Planckster's API and Object Storage
  • API: Accessible at http://localhost:8000/ with an interactive interface at http://localhost:8000/docs for testing and debugging.
  • Object Storage: Accessible via the MinIO server at http://localhost:9001/ (or sometimes http://localhost:9091/). The "SDA" bucket is created when a scraper is run.

Step 2

import logging

# Set up logging
logger = logging.getLogger('sentinel_scraper')

# Define arguments
job_id = 123
tracer_id = "abc123"
evalscript = "your_evalscript"
bbox = (13.822, 45.850, 13.928, 45.992)
resolution = 100
cloud_coverage = 20
start_date = "2023-01-01"
end_date = "2023-01-31"
log_level = logging.INFO
sh_client_id = "your_sh_client_id"
sh_client_secret = "your_sh_client_secret"

# Run the scraper
output = scrape(job_id, tracer_id, evalscript, bbox, resolution, cloud_coverage, start_date, end_date, None, sh_client_id, sh_client_secret, None)

# Output the result


This comprehensive guide provides detailed instructions on setting up and using Telegram, Twitter, and Sentinel scrapers. By following these steps, you can effectively gather data from these platforms for your specific needs. Ensure you have all necessary credentials and configurations set up before running each scraper.